men's ministries

Men’s ministry at NCC exists to challenge men to become committed followers of Jesus Christ. We are called by God to journey together as brothers, studying God’s word and trying honor God and live up to His standards of excellence. We are about building men up and providing a safe place for them to struggle honestly and grow in their commitment to Jesus. The goal is to become better men, husbands, sons, brothers, friends, and fathers because of the time we invest together in knowing and growing as men of God.
our core values
To follow Jesus first.
To be committed to leadership with integrity in our families, church, work places and communities.
To be teachable and hungry for God’s word
To live out the Christian faith with a strong and joyful witness to the world around us
Fridays 6:30 - 7:30am | via Zoom
Men, join us virtually on Friday mornings for a time of fellowship.
It’s a time to connect with other men and find ways to encourage each other in our walk with Jesus. All are invited!
For more information and the zoom link, email Daniel Adams.