Our NextGen ministries are made up of two groups: Covenant Kids (infant - 5th grade) and NCC Youth (6th-12th grade).
All of our NextGen ministries exist to help kids and teens grow in a lifelong, transformative relationship with Jesus. We do this by: partnering with families in their child’s discipleship journey, connecting them to the life of the church through intergenerational worship, healthy community, and opportunities to serve and, of course, fun, engaging discovery of the Bible and God’s love for them.
Below is more information on our gathering rhythms and special events. To learn more and get connected to any of these opportunities, email Alli Corriveau.

Infant - 5th grade
​Our Covenant Kids classes meet weekly on Sunday mornings following the Kid’s Time during the worship service. All of the classes learn a Bible story each week, and younger classes also engage with an activity/craft. Kids are welcomed and taught by adult members of our church family who have all completed background checks and received safety training.
Littles Class: nursery - preschool
Elementary Class: Kindergarten - 3rd grade
Juniors Class: 4th-5th grade
Throughout the year, we have special events such as:
Parenting Well (A monthly opportunity for parents to gather before the Sunday worship service for encouragement and faith-based training. Childcare is provided.) ​
Family Pumpkin Carving
Family Service Day
Family Easter Egg Hunt

6th - 12th grade
Youth Group
Our middle school and high school students gather together roughly twice a month. We meet Friday evenings from 7:00-8:30PM at our shared space with Veritas Christian Academy in Wayland. We play games, do service projects, build friendships, have faith conversations and pray together.
We also have special events like our annual winter retreats!
Middle School (6th-8th grade)
One Sunday a month, following the Kid’s Time during the worship service, our middle school teens gather for God Talks - an opportunity to learn about growing deeper in our relationship with Jesus through reading the Bible and spiritual practices.
The remaining Sundays of the month, students are encouraged to engage in the worship service or by serving in an area that interests them like the worship or tech team, kid’s ministry and more.
High School (9th-12th grade)
Once a month, our high school students are invited to gather either for a lunch outing after Sunday worship or to serve together on a Saturday at one of our community partners.
Email our Next Gen Pastor, Alli Corriveau, to learn more or get added to our Next Gen email list.
We look forward to connecting with you!
Email Alli at